Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

At St Martin’s we believe happy boys can achieve their best, academically and socially. The wellbeing of all pupils, from Nursery to Year 8 is paramount. Our strong Pastoral team supports this aim, with the Form tutors, Heads of Section and Assistant Head (Pastoral) working together with pupils and parents at all times. Our weekly pastoral team meetings discuss all pupils throughout the year. Strategies for pupil support and inbuilt encouragement to ‘do the right thing’ underpins our approach.

Our Mental Health Practitioner and school counsellor receive referrals to support boys. This provides key input for our boys at times of trauma or change in their lives, or to help develop self-knowledge, resilience and empathy for others. Our boys feel comfortable discussing their feelings and this is carried through to their daily life in school where they are able to take part in PHSE discussions and share ideas with others.

Communication between Form tutors, Section Heads and parents is essential and frequently helps provide insight and ways forward to get the best out of each boy. We value differences and praise individuality and independent thought. Parental information evenings to provide reassurance and opportunities to talk, as well as parental workshops which aim to understand teenage mental health and physical development are part of our yearly programme.

St Martin’s School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. A safeguarding team from across the school organise staff workshops and training which provide regular updates, enabling the whole school to fully engage with Keeping Children Safe in Education.

"The happiness and wellbeing of your son is the foundation of all we strive to do at St. Martin's."

Whatever the challenge,
I’ll be ready